All you need to know for Fishing Ski @ DUC
Glen Smith is the portfolio officer for this fast growing recreational sport. He started fishing off a Crocker ski in 1987 and as most, progressed over the years onto a ski.
Currently he is actively involved in this portfolio and is the catalyst representing the members at the committee meetings.
Glen first joined DUC in the early 90’s.
For Glen, safety is of utmost importance and he urges every member to comply with all safety regulations and have your ski inspected annually.
Glen’s motto is “Always launch with a Buddy”
Glen enforces the “South African Recreation Catch Size & Bag Limits, (How Many Fish Can You Catch and Keep per Day?)
For recent Bag Limits [click here]
DUC has secured two containers whereby members can rent secure lock up facilities for their ski’s. These are available on request and you will be notified once a rack becomes available.
Should you have any queries please don’t hesitate to call Glen on 072 320 4182