Dax (Daryn) Brown


About Me

I began surfski paddling in 2005. My initial intention was to learn how to paddle so that I could start fishing off a ski, however I so enjoyed surfski that I have never ‘progressed’ to a fishing ski! I particularly enjoy downwinding and consider myself a ‘minimalist’ paddler – some people might say ‘lazy paddler’, but to me the true joy of being on the ocean is getting the ocean to do your work for you… which means learning to catch the waves and swell!


Key Skills

Surfski paddling
Attorney & Banker

I paddled in the first World Championships held in Porto, Portugal in 2013 – and loved every moment!

I have paddled around Mauritius (camping on the beaches each night), done Freedom Paddle in Cape Town, several Pete Marlins in East London, and of course, all the sea races in Durban.

I have also been fortunate enough to do some river paddling (Dusi, Drak Challenge, Fish, Canvas Dusi etc) but my passion is for open ocean downwind paddling. And there is really no better place to do this than Durban!

Next year DUC will be hosting the Surfski World Championships and as Surfski representative I will be very involved. 

We have an amazing club with excellent facilities and I look forward to being part of a World Champs that showcases the best of us to the world. Durban is the home of surfski and we can be super proud of it!

My business background is that I am an attorney and a banker (isn’t there a joke that starts like that?) and now a businessman/investor.

I love travelling and am a keen amateur cook! (especially curries!!)

For life advice I listen to “The Sunscreen Song” by Baz Luhrmann…