[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dear DUC and DSBC Members
It looks like our timing is perfect – a combination of the introduction of load shedding again and a not so lekker weather forecast for this coming weekend (especially Sunday) means that those members that have been supporting the club Car Park Kiosk over the last few months may not miss it so much this weekend.
Due to planned electricity supply change overs to various parts of the new club and the car park, we are not able to run the Car Park Kiosk this weekend so coffee and bacon and egg rolls will NOT be available this weekend!
We recommend that the Geriatski and regular surf ski paddlers who partake in the Saturday morning paddle bring a flask of coffee and a homemade energy replacement meal with them on Saturday.
The club contractors will be going all out to ensure that the Coffee Counter at the new clubhouse will be ready to serve you the following weekend (22/23 Aug) and that we can resume some sort of normal service for our very patient and understanding members.
Hopefully we will also be able to use the beach and sell you a beer by then as well – let’s see what the boss has to say about it!
Ice Sales
Ice sales have now also relocated to the new clubhouse but may not be available early morning or late afternoon while we relocate the club services to the new clubhouse. If you plan to fish over the next week or so, we recommend stocking up with ice before getting to the club.
Ablution facilities
From last weekend, we have been making use of the new ablution facilities at the new club. These can be found by going to the new club parking under the promenade. The guard on duty will direct you but they can be found down the passage with all the electrical wiring.
Going forward, these ablutions will be available 24/7 and are not the main club ablutions. These 24/7 facilities are designed to be available to members who visit the club after normal clubhouse hours – members such as early morning fishermen or those members who enjoy the early sunrise and long daylight hours in summer. In future there will be access control and you will need your membership card to access the facilities – but not required at the moment.
If you make use of the facilities, please try and keep them clean as the club is on limited staffing at the moment and please remove all sand in the outside showers before using the indoor facilities.
The main club ablutions are much bigger!
Standby Generator
A massive thank you to members Richard Saunt, Wally Hartslief, Terry Lister and Bevan Liesegang who, along with Hansie, have assisted the club in the relocation, connection and refurbishment of the club standby generator by donating their time and resources to get the unit operational at the new site.
With load shedding rearing its ugly head again, we are desperate to get the unit back in operation, but we need a 50 lt fuel tank for the gennie as the last one rusted away and was removed during the relocation.
Basically we are looking for a “box” type of fuel tank that you see on the side of big trucks. If you have one that you can preferably donate to the club or supply at a good price, please contact Paul on gm@pwsc.co.za
Club fees for 20/21
It has been very heartening for the club committees and management to see that even during these difficult COVID 19 times when many members are under financial strain that the club is still receiving strong support from the members.
When comparing the membership fees collected by July 31st 2019 to those collected by 31st July 2020, the sum collected at the same point in 2020 exceeds that collected in 2019.
This is significant taking into consideration that fees have not been increased for most membership categories this year and that many members are making use of the club offer to members under financial strain to make part payments of fees up to 30th November 2020.
Payment notifications for membership fees for the 2020/21 membership are currently in the process of being sent out. If you have not yet received your payment notification by Friday 21st August, then send an email to gm@pwsc.co.za <mailto:gm@pwsc.co.za> requesting your payment notification details.
PLEASE wait until Friday 21st August before sending an email requesting your payment notification as it takes awhile for all the notifications to be sent out via email. Also check your spam / junk mail inbox first as because this is a bulk email your server may direct the notification there.
Memberships in arrears will only be deactivated on 1st December 2020.
Trampoline for sale R2000 – email Paul at gm@pwsc.co.za
See you at the club soon
Keep safe and sane
The PWC Team[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]