[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dear DSBC and DUC members
The Point Water Sport Club with its various recreational water sports, is one of the facilities currently available to members where close and direct contact with your fellow sport participants is not necessary (except for water polo which is not practised at the clubhouse). Being outdoors with “natural social distancing” built in as well as being in the sun and exercising are regarded as some of the ways to keep the Corona virus at bay.
The club is therefore suited to assist people during this period to interact socially, whilst at the same time, avoiding direct contact with others while doing their sport. The PWSC will, as things currently stand, remain open as per normal to facilitate members requirements in accessing club facilities and the adjacent beach.
This decision will be reviewed daily by the club executive committee as the Corona Virus situation develops locally and more information or recommendations are received from the authorities. Depending on the member support the club receives during this period, aspects of the club such as opening hours may be revised.
The club will endeavor to provide a safe environment and a base for members to use the beach and ocean recreational, participate in water sports or individually run, cycle and exercise in the outdoors.
The club can only do so much to ensure a safe environment for the members and the members themselves should also take responsibility for their health and make the choice as to whether to make use of the club facilities or not. If they do choose to do make use of the club, they should do so responsibly.:
Members should:
• Stay home when if sick in any way.
• Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds on arrival at the club.
• Make use of the sanitizing options provided by the club but should also;
• Bring their sanitizers with them to the club as there is a chance of supplies running short
• Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Cover their coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Assist the staff by sanitizing their immediate environment if deemed necessary
The club will endeavor to:
Keep the members regularly informed by social media, sms and email about the club’s Coronavirus response policy
Have sanitizes stations and spray bottles for members to use.
Provide paper towels for wiping down
Continually de-sanitize the clubhouse throughout the day, particularly in high-touch areas.
Regularly wipe down surfaces with sanitizer soap including trays, tables and countertops
Institute more regular bathroom checks to ensure all soap dispensers are full at all times
have salt and pepper sachets instead of everyone touching the same shakers
Limit the number of members in the club at any one time.
Limit corporate days and events as far as possible (DSBC Festival – see separate email in this regard)
Both members and the club must work together to address the problem of key touch points:
– credit cards and membership cards should not change hands without sanitation prior and after the transaction to protect both members and servers
– Tap and go is first prize – otherwise enter your PIN using your knuckles
– embrace a no handshake policy
– People waiting in line should keep 1.5m between them.
– Tables to be more spread out.
The club does have sanitizing and personal hygiene behavior Standard Operating Procedures for the staff which are not included in this email but is available on request.
As you are aware, suppliers of sanitizers, wipes, paper towels, etc are in demand and the club is still in the process of completing the receipt of the required items which we hope will be completed by the end of Tuesday 17th March.
Much of the information and suggested procedures in this email have been provided by interested and concerned members who would like to see the club continue to operate normally during the next month or so while the prohibitions are in place. We thank them for their contributions and concern.
If you have any concerns about the club environment while at the club, please bring it to the immediate attention of the duty manager so that it can be dealt with at the time – an email sent once back at home is not as effective as immediate attention to the issue.
By working together as a club we can all continue to enjoy a healthy, outdoor lifestyle during these challenging times.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]